Current Local Time in Santa Rosa, California, USA

Current local time in Santa Rosa, California (CA), USA with seconds.

Sunrise in Santa Rosa, California, USA today: 05:05:36
Duration of the day in Santa Rosa, California, USA today: 14:03:27
Sunrise in Santa Rosa, California, USA today: 19:09:03
Day of the week: Tuesday
Day: 07
Month: May
Year: 2024
Leap year
Population: 177,181
Land area mi2: 42.5 sq mi
Land area km2: 110.1 km2
Latitude: 38.45
Longitude: -122.71
The shortest day of the year: 9 hours 18 min 25 sec
Day of the year today: 127
Duration of the day in Santa Rosa, California, USA today: 13 hours 53 min 6 sec